Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hello again

Feeling sweet. I cleaned my room today, and the weather is beautiful. Smiles are coming easily to me as of late, and I read through my book of poems again today. I really like this one, and I don't know why I never gave it the merit it deserved. This is the first thing I've written in a while that I can look at and say with confidence that it's a good piece.

Oh Creator
Oh Creator, I am calling, can you hear me? Are you listening?
Could you cauterize my open mind, for the culture outside is killing me?
I can't maintain this constant guise
that I'm okay with catching shit cause I attempt to be half-interesting.
Can't you make the world a tinge more colorful and lovely?
I'm tired of this black and white monotany that is this life,
I want to meet more souls who try their best to make things beautiful.
I want more blues and reds and spectral wavelengths wrapped around me,
and I want the blacks and whites to disappear from life completely.
And gold can suck a dick cause gold epitomizes greed,
and purple sends the royalty to openly oppress the freed.
Green embodies constant growth, but in the end it's constant need,
blue a sign of constant shifting and of instability,
and red is nothing but aggression, killing innocents and opposition,
those just wanting to be free.
Oh Creator, I am calling, can you hear me, are you listening?
Could it be the cadence of the population can't control the colors
deep inside our souls, and though you've made a world so beautiful and tender,
you must hide the lot of it behind the shade of black and white?
"A boring world is safe" is why the interesting are scary?
Fuck your preferences and values and your inability to let us go.
A death of colors, reds and yellows shooting out is what I'd rather
to one behind a drape of black and white that hides my soul.

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