Three days into classes, and I've only fucked up once. How uplifting. It would appear that all of my mental stigmas have transmitted into physical ones. Within a matter of two days or so my physical health has dissolved quite dramatically. I cannot get to sleep at night due to coughing fits, my throat is always clogged with mucus and my nose is always full of thick, green snot. The kind that is never a good sign. I've woken up the past tow mornings with a terrible sore throat and almost no ability to talk for the first few hours of being awake. Eventually, my now-daily court of orange juice seems to break up the mucus in my throat enough to get back to conversation.
On a better note, my mind is feeling pretty clear. I feel better about everything, and I'm pretty sure I'm no longer on a road to depression. I'm gonna take some pictures of my winter wonderland tomorrow, they'll probably be pretty tops, the amount of snow on the ground is nuts. I hear through the grapevine that Allentown got hit pretty hard, at least Allentown's understanding of getting hit hard. It's a shame, I would've liked to have seen that, but I've got that and then some up here, so I suppose that's alright. I realized that my spring break is not in mid-April, as I have been telling people, but instead is from March 5-13. It splits my semester pretty much into 2/3 beforehand and 1/3 after, so that's pretty nice.
I finished that poem of mine, but I don't really feel ready to share it. It turned out to be pretty personal, and yeah, it's got to go through some maturing before I let it go free into the world. I also started the next chapter of the group of short stories that are held in the same world as the previous one, so i will be posting that when I am finished. Today has been pretty damn uplifting, I won't lie. Despite having 5 classes, its actually been pretty damn laid back and I feel surprisingly fantastic coming up on 10pm. I hope this feeling persists; I'm pretty sure it will.
if hit hard means 4 inches of snow, then yes