Alright, I am feeling like myself again, great in all ways. I had a pretty exciting week, though the beginning of it started off really, really bad. I'm sure all of you could've gathered that, but I am ok now. I met some sweet new people this week, and I also got accepted into a program to go to Ghana this summer to help an orphanage out. I'm really excited about that (so if you know anybody who would be willing to donate money to a good cause, send them my way). Both my arms work enough to type and write, for short amounts of time at least, but my right shoulder still just hurts all the time. I am slowly getting used to it. In celebration of my return to sanity, here is a poem I wrote, I really like it.
Crumbling (Tentatively)
It seems the only thing the cruelty of this world teaches me
is how to deal with tragedy and how to fight for nothing.
Grasping at the shallow roots beneath my feet so strongly
grasping fruitlessly to keep my place, to stay on common ground,
but roots come up to easily, and here I am to falter.
I watch the world around them crumble to the atoms deeply hidden.
Cracks are widening, if slowly, but this world around me's turning,
something new is coming up, it's unfamiliar and scary.
I would love to say with confidence I knew my path, I knew my way,
but I realize more each day that it's the world around me that decides.
I am left to battle waves of worldly impact and design.
This world around me's crumbling to dust and ashes, powdered soot
and it's leaving me to find new means of grasping to those roots.
I'm learning rapidly however that roots will always fail.
No matter how I strengthen them, no matter how I hold,
the roots beneath my feet will endlessly be torn asunder.
And me actions don't affect them, I try hard to make them better,
but they've never held y hands in place, they've never left me stable.
and when I speak my mind the roots beneath my feet subside,
leave me tumbling down the hills of dust and powdered soot.
And when I stand again, I'll place my roots deep down below
they wont hold, I know this, still I'll likely always try.
This world around me's crumbling, and to be honest, so am I.
Sweet about that Ghana thing dude